Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/4/19

Chris Eades
5 min readJan 4, 2020


Dear Diary,

This past week we rang in the new year, but the celebration was tinged with sadness as the reality of the future has begun to set in now. But I’m going to enjoy my last winter here as much as I can while I can!

The week got off to an awkward start when Quillson told me he was going to be moving away very soon. Like, on the first of the year. Which is kind of a terrible day to move. I mean, you’re going to spend New Year’s Eve packing? Come on, don’t be foolish. Thankfully, I was able to change his mind.

Trying to get bingo on my snowman bingo card, I was happy to locate two snowballs and managed to roll them both up without losing one (it happens more often than you’d think because I’m clumsy) but when I assembled my snowman, I was annoyed to discover it wasn’t quite big enough, so I’d made a Snowboy instead. Sigh. The following day I got a letter that said, “Snowbromancer Chris, This snowman carpet will keep your floors icy cold year round! It’s a thanks for making me so handsome and cool! Yours, Snowbro.” I kind of like “Snowbromancer.”

I managed to make another snowman the following day, but it took yet another snowman on New Year’s Eve before I finally got a full bingo and won myself a slalom gate. Um, yay? Honestly, I don’t even care about the prizes. I just like playing bingo…

I went back that evening for the big celebration and wore the blue New Year’s hat I bought off Redd (along with a party popper that I set off accidentally… oops!) to join everyone in the town plaza.

And of course, as always, I sipped my sparkling cider as I watched the fireworks go off overhead. Then I went around and chatted with my friends to wish them all a happy near year. It was a bit sad because I realized that it would be the last one in this town.

The following day, there was a note posted by Isabelle on the bulletin board wishing for great stuff in the coming months. And unfortunately, months are all we have left together. In March (the 15th, to be specific), I will be leaving Geneva to go live on an island. It’s something new to try. I don’t know if I’m going to like it — building everything from scratch seems more daunting than simply buying things and expanding a town that’s already there — but I figure it’s worth a try. I do know that I’m going to miss everyone here. I wish they could come with me.

On New Year’s Day I also got my traditional gift of bells from Mom. Back in the day, 10,000 bells was a lot of money, but now that I’m a multimillionaire with more bells in the bank than I know what to do with, I don’t really need her generous gift. But I haven’t the heart to tell her not to bother… Hope she keeps it up when I move to the island, though! I’ll need all the help I can get there!

On New Year’s Day, Gabi also tried moving away again and I had to shut down her crazy plans. She can move away on March 15 and not a day sooner. I have never left a town where I have been able to keep a single friend for the duration of my stay and I’m determined to make it happen. Gabi is my final remaining original neighbor and she can’t go anywhere.

Isabelle was handing out mouse decorations for the new year, and sure enough, when I looked it up, it turns out that 2020 is the year of the rat. The Metal Rat, to be specific, but I don’t know what being metal has to do with anything. I don’t know much about the Chinese zodiac. But the little bobblehead mouse is cute, and is probably better than calling it a rat decoration.

I polished off this week with an evening visit that happened to coincide with a meteor shower. It’s nice because I usually visit during the day and miss out on the cosmic show. (I see the notice posted about it but always forget to come back that evening to watch) I made a wish, so we’ll see what happens. I could use some good luck!



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