Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/25/20
Dear Diary,
Well, as my time in Geneva winds to a close, I’m starting to slack off a little… but not always on purpose! Unfortunately, this week I almost ruined my town that I still have to live in for a couple months!
I thought Anchovy was running over to tell me he was moving away but he actually wanted to try out a new nickname on me. I actually kind of like “Dr. C” because it makes me feel smart. So I told him go ahead and use it. And it seems to be spreading around town because others have asked to call me Dr. C as well! S-M-R-T smart!
Again I seem to be making only perfectly proportioned snowmen this year, but not the size I mean to. So instead of more bingo numbers I got a snowman bed. Sigh. But hey, at least I’m not making the misshapen monsters I used to so I’m getting something for my trouble!
Unfortunately, the real world had a holiday on Monday and although I thought I’d checked in on Geneva when I did my rounds on Tuesday, I found so many wilting flowers it wasn’t funny. So I guess I forgot to check in? At least I didn’t seem to lose any so I was able to water them and bring them all back to life. It was time consuming but if I hadn’t done that, I would’ve lost more than half of my flowers. And those are a point of pride for me. I’m actually not looking forward to starting over in a new place and having to get hybrids started again…
And as if things weren’t stressful enough with the flower situation, Butch tried to add to it by moving away. Naturally, I shut him down. Nobody’s going anywhere, buddy. Sorry. So stop asking. You want to leave? You’re going to have to sneak out like a thief in the night. But you didn’t hear that from me!
Last bingo card was actually a surprisingly quick game but this one is turning out to be an exercise in frustration. So close! And I keep accidentally making Snowboys instead of Snowmen, which is only adding to the frustration.
Gabi also tried to move away and I’m getting sick and tired of her trying practically every week. She has to know that as my oldest friend in this town I wouldn’t let her go anywhere. Heck, if there was a way to bring her with me to my new place, I probably would! (And then she could try to move away from there every week…)
As I said, I’ve been slacking on mayoral duties. If someone asks me for a favor that isn’t too difficult, I’ll do it, but I’m not going out of my way to find things to do. You want to invite yourself over to my house? If it’s not a good time, I’m going to say that. Sorry. And when Hamphrey told me Gulliver was back on the beach, I was not even remotely interested in waking him up. I got all his souvenirs ages ago so I figure I can just let him nap. He needs the sleep!