Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/16/21
Dear Diary,
Surprisingly enough this was not a quiet week on Xanadu! A whole lot was going on so let’s just jump right in!
To kick things off, C.J. showed up for another fishing tournament. By participating, I got some more Nook Miles as a reward for doing a tourney in each of the four seasons. I’d hoped to get some new fish for the museum but no such luck. Since I don’t really fish much anymore, I’m sure I’m missing out on windows of opportunity to catch museum displays. I really should get on that.
I played a few rounds and got enough points to get some rewards. I already had the fish print, but I think the fish doorplate was new and this fish-drying rack was definitely new. I put it out on the dock with the other fishing stuff I’ve got over time.
Since the fishing tournament was on Saturday, K.K. Slider postponed his concert until Sunday. The plaza is only so big! The problem was that I didn’t remember to go request a song until really late at night and by that point, his audience had disappeared. He was still playing for the empty seats, though. K.K. is a professional. I told him I was feeling mellow and he played me “K.K. Island.” It’s a lovely tune, but unfortunately, it’s the first duplicate. I’ll have to start requesting specific songs now or I’ll just end up with all these double albums.
Label was also on the island this week and I don’t know why but I just wanted to do her dress-up challenge. Even though I have all the Labelle items at this point. Although the sunglasses she gave me were a different color than the previous pair. It was mostly just an excuse to play dress-up and then change back into another new outfit to mix it up a bit.
I was so excited when Kitty wanted to show me a reaction and it turned out to be the Love Reaction! It’s the one I’ve been waiting for! It doesn’t look that good in this photo, though, because the cliff made it hard to get a good angle.
Harry already had a birthday the first week of January, but this month has turned out to be a busy time for birthdays! Every day or so there would be a new alert on the bulletin board and now I have to plan for Sherb, Genji, and Francine! It’s like, half the island was born this month! What are the odds?
Oh, I didn’t get any new fish for the museum during the fishing tournament, but while diving for Gullivarrr’s phone I did happen to chase down a very speedy shadow that turned out to be a Snow Crab. I knew it couldn’t be his phone because it was moving, but wasn’t expecting to dive for something I hadn’t already caught before! So that was a nice surprise.
Of course, I did get Gullivarrr’s phone eventually and the next day he mailed me this lovely Pirate Treasure Crown. I’ll have to put that outfit together one day but right now I’m still in a wintry mood.
At the end of the week, I was surprised to get some Nook Miles as a reward for being an active island resident. I guess this was my 300th day on the island. I guess I could do the math and figure out if that means I’ve been active every single day, but I’m pretty sure I have been. Maybe I was lazy once or twice. It’s just a shame it stops at 300. I would like more because I’m going to be around for the duration! Let’s see 600, 900, and even 1800! The sky’s the limit!
I was disappointed that Redd parked his trawler out back and everything on sale was a fake. Well, I think a couple of the paintings looked pretty real, but I already have those in my museum, so how could they possibly be the genuine article… right? Well, I saved some bells, at least. But I would like more art for the museum!
I was very upset to see that Lopez was thinking about moving away. I don’t get it. I talk to him literally every single day, I give him presents, and yet he still doesn’t give me his picture. And now he wants to move away? I don’t think so! Not until you give me your picture… and not even after that!
Remember back when Jingle was handing out DIY recipes at Toy Day and I got this one for a gift pile that I couldn’t build because I was missing one key ingredient? Well, it took almost an entire month, but Nook’s Cranny finally sold some red wrapping paper! So it looks a little weird to have a pile of presents this far after Toy Day, but I was finally able to craft the damn thing so you’d best believe I’m putting it on display!
I haven’t made Snowboys in a while because I already have all of the DIY recipes but I thought I’d just throw one together for fun. Unfortunately, when I tried to roll the head onto the body, it wouldn’t take, and when I went to roll the body into a new position to try again it accidentally rolled up on top of the head! Oops! Naturally, this Snowboy was just dripping with sarcasm as he thanked me for making him a giant-headed monster. My bad!