Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/15/22
Dear Diary,
Things are definitely calming down a little now that the holidays are over. But I still feel busy enough without applying for a whole other job. I keep learning and discovering new things and I rather enjoy the relaxing atmosphere on Xanadu. Having the pressure of a job would kind of ruin that, I fear… Ah well, on with this week’s nonsense!
I found another golden recipe, this time a golden piggy bank DIY in a bottle on the shore. I also actually got a snowflake wall DIY recipe out of a balloon I shot down, which hardly ever happens! I’m never that lucky… Oh and Flurry taught me how to make a natural mum wreath. So it’s kind of nice to still be finding new DIY recipes even though like, 80% of them are duplicates.
There was a Fishing Tournament this week, and I decided I had some free time to do the free round. But I wasn’t going to pay the fee to keep fishing since I’ve basically already got all the rewards C.J. will ever give me. After the one round I had 10 points so I exchanged them for a fish doorplate. Or should I say, another fish doorplate.
I came out of my house one day to find Zucker just loitering around looking like he was up to something. Turns out he was trying to break it to me that he was thinking about moving away. Now, he’s one of my newer neighbors, so I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to him yet. Also, he’s delightfully weird. So I asked him to stick around just a bit longer.
I feel kind of terrible admitting this, but I very nearly left Gullivarrr laying there on the beach for someone else to deal with. But then I thought why not give it a shot and help him find his stupid phone again. Unfortunately, as I feared, I got another duplicate reward, this time another pirate treasure chest. Oh well. That’s what I get for being a nice guy and helping out!
I also learned a few new cooking recipes this week. Sherb taught me how to make bread, and Lopez taught me how to make veggie cookies and apple pie. Yum! I love apple pie! (Although I’m not sure how Lopez was making apple pie in a frying pan… at a sink.)
I was disappointed by the items on sale on Harv’s island this week, but Redd parked his boat out back this week and I was very excited to see the warrior statue on sale, and this time it was finally genuine! And now that the museum has a Terracotta Army, we now have all the sculptures available for display! Just missing a couple of paintings, but I’ll find those eventually!
I didn’t really have anywhere for Erik to move into as the island is full right now but as soon as he expressed an interest in living on Xanadu with us, I immediately invited him. But as usual, my fears of who he might want to kick out weren’t necessary because as usual, I lost the stupid card game that he based his major life decision on. Sigh. He was so cute, too! Oh well…
I had a couple of cups of coffee at The Roost this week, and at the end of the week I guess I earned another frequent caffeineator reward bccause Brewster offered me a free pro coffee grinder. Score!